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Main Programmes

Adelaide Dental Hospital (ADH),
Statewide Dental Services (SWDS) includes Community (CDS) and School (SDS) Dental Services.

Additional dental services are provided through a number of private sector schemes: Remote Areas Capitation program for children, Remote Areas Adult Schemes, Aboriginal Dental Scheme, Pensioner Denture Scheme, Aged Care / Residential Care and Supported Residential Facilities.

Installed Since: 1999
Number of Users: more than 800 users
Patient Numbers: around 170,000 per annum receive approximately 205,000 courses of care
Patient Visits: around 340,000 to 360,000 per annum


SA Dental Service provides a range of dental services for eligible children and adults at clinics throughout South Australia. We also work in partnership with the University of Adelaide to educate and train many of the state’s dental professionals, including dentists and dental therapists.

Statewide Dental Services
The Statewide Dental Service provides dental services to children and eligible adults through 2 divisions, the School Dental and the Community Dental services.

School Dental

All preschool, primary and secondary school students under 18 years are eligible for oral health care with the School Dental Service. All dental care is free for preschool children at the School Dental Service.

Eligibility: Children who are dependants of holders of the following cards are eligible to receive free dental care;

  • Centre Link Concession Card
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
  • School Card

For primary and secondary school children who are not dependants of/holders of the above concessions, a fee applies for each course of general dental care provided.

The Commonwealth Government through Medicare have issued eligible teenagers with a Teen Dental Voucher. These vouchers are welcome at the School Dental Service. If presented at a School Dental Clinic the vouchers entitle the teenager to a full course of dental care including preventive care and any treatment required.

Community Dental Service

Community Dental Clinics provide eligible adults with a range of general and emergency dental services. Adults (or their adult dependants) with a current Pensioner Concession Card (Centrelink or Veterans’ Affairs) or a Health Care Card are eligible to receive Community Dental Clinic services. Waiting lists may apply.

Adelaide Dental Hospital (ADH)

The Adelaide dental service is one of the three service provision arms of SA Dental Service. The ADH provides South Australia with statewide clinical services for financially disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community through a combination of public health providers and students who are training to be members of the dental team.

Specialist services in the ADH are provided by a combination of staff and visiting specialists, academic staff of the Dental School and significantly by postgraduate students in specialty training programs.

The range of specialty services provided include; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, Special Needs Dentistry.

Health Promotion

The Health Promotion Division provides strategic advice on health promotion to SA Dental Service staff, our clients and consumers and the wider community. The division has a strategic approach to ensure that effective health promotion is integrated into all SA Dental Service programs and projects, and to raise awareness of the importance of oral health in overall health and well being.

The Division works in partnership with staff and other agencies to promote health, prevent oral diseases and provide health information. We support oral health as an integral part of general health through the development of healthy public policy and organisational development. We assist our staff to develop local health promotion initiatives through skill development and the provision of oral health resources.

More information can be found on the SA Dental Service website
For more information contact: